Alaska & the Inside Passage

Aboard Viking Sea with Viking Ocean Cruises

Departure Date

11 May 2025


10 Nights

Fly Cruise From


Cruise Reference


Cruise Overview

Vancouver is a delicious juxtaposition of urban sophistication and on-your-doorstep wilderness adventure.

The mountains and seascape make the city an outdoor playground for hiking, skiing, kayaking, cycling, and sailing—and so much more—while the cuisine and arts scenes are equally diverse, reflecting the makeup of Vancouver's ethnic (predominantly Asian) mosaic.

Vancouver is consistently ranked as one of the world's most livable cities, and it's easy for visitors to see why.

It's beautiful, it's outdoorsy, and there's a laidback West Coast vibe.

On the one hand, there's easy access to a variety of outdoor activities, a fabulous variety of beaches, and amazing parks.

At the same time, the city has a multicultural vitality and cosmopolitan flair.

The attraction is as much in the range of food choices—the fresh seafood and local produce are some of North America's best—as it is in the museums, shopping, and nightlife.Vancouver's landscaping also adds to the city's walking appeal.

In spring, flowerbeds spill over with tulips and daffodils while sea breezes scatter scented cherry blossoms throughout Downtown; in summer office workers take to the beaches, parks, and urban courtyards for picnic lunches and laptop meetings.

More than 8 million visitors each year come to Vancouver, Canada's third-largest metropolitan area.

Because of its peninsula location, traffic flow is a contentious issue.

Thankfully, Vancouver is wonderfully walkable, especially in the downtown core.

The North Shore is a scoot across the harbor, and the rapid-transit system to Richmond and the airport means that staying in the more affordable ’burbs doesn't have to be synonymous with sacrificing convenience.

The mild climate, exquisite natural scenery, and relaxed outdoor lifestyle keep attracting residents, and the number of visitors is increasing for the same reasons.

People often get their first glimpse of Vancouver when catching an Alaskan cruise, and many return at some point to spend more time here.
Ketchikan is famous for its colorful totem poles, rainy skies, steep–as–San Francisco streets, and lush island setting.

Some 13,500 people call the town home, and, in the summer, cruise ships crowd the shoreline, floatplanes depart noisily for Misty Fiords National Monument, and salmon-laden commercial fishing boats motor through Tongass Narrows.

In the last decade Ketchikan's rowdy, blue-collar heritage of logging and fishing has been softened by the loss of many timber-industry jobs and the dramatic rise of cruise-ship tourism.

With some effort, though, visitors can still glimpse the rugged frontier spirit that once permeated this hardscrabble cannery town.

Art lovers should make a beeline for Ketchikan: the arts community here is very active.

Travelers in search of the perfect piece of Alaska art will find an incredible range of pieces to choose from.The town is at the foot of 3,000-foot Deer Mountain, near the southeastern corner of Revillagigedo (locals shorten it to Revilla) Island.

Prior to the arrival of white miners and fishermen in 1885, the Tlingit used the site at the mouth of Ketchikan Creek as a summer fish camp.

Gold discoveries just before the turn of the 20th century brought more immigrants, and valuable timber and commercial fishing resources spurred new industries.

By the 1930s the town bragged that it was the "salmon-canning capital of the world." You will still find some of Southeast's best salmon fishing around here.

Ketchikan is the first bite of Alaska that many travelers taste.

Despite its imposing backdrop, hillside homes, and many staircases, the town is relatively easy to walk through.

Favorite downtown stops include the Spruce Mill Development shops and Creek Street.

A bit farther away you'll find the Totem Heritage Center.

Out of town (but included on most bus tours) are two longtime favorites: Totem Bight State Historical Park to the north and Saxman Totem Park to the south.
It's hard not to like Sitka, with its eclectic blend of Alaska Native, Russian, and American history and its dramatic and beautiful open-ocean setting.

This is one of the best Inside Passage towns to explore on foot, with St.

Michael's Cathedral, Sheldon Jackson Museum, Castle Hill, Sitka National Historical Park, and the Alaska Raptor Center topping the must-see list.Sitka was home to the Kiksádi clan of the Tlingit people for centuries prior to the 18th-century arrival of the Russians under the direction of territorial governor Alexander Baranof, who believed the region was ideal for the fur trade.

The governor also coveted the Sitka site for its beauty, mild climate, and economic potential; in the island's massive timber forests he saw raw materials for shipbuilding.

Its location offered trading routes as far west as Asia and as far south as California and Hawaii.

In 1799 Baranof built St.

Michael Archangel—a wooden fort and trading post 6 miles north of the present town.Strong disagreements arose shortly after the settlement.

The Tlingits attacked the settlers and burned their buildings in 1802.

Baranof, however, was away in Kodiak at the time.

He returned in 1804 with a formidable force—including shipboard cannons—and attacked the Tlingits at their fort near Indian River, site of the present-day 105-acre Sitka National Historical Park, forcing many of them north to Chichagof Island.By 1821 the Tlingits had reached an accord with the Russians, who were happy to benefit from the tribe's hunting skills.

Under Baranof and succeeding managers, the Russian-American Company and the town prospered, becoming known as the Paris of the Pacific.

The community built a major shipbuilding and repair facility, sawmills, and forges, and even initiated an ice industry, shipping blocks of ice from nearby Swan Lake to the booming San Francisco market.

The settlement that was the site of the 1802 conflict is now called Old Sitka.

It is a state park and listed as a National Historic Landmark.The town declined after its 1867 transfer from Russia to the United States, but it became prosperous again during World War II, when it served as a base for the U.S.

Effort to drive the Japanese from the Aleutian Islands.

Today its most important industries are fishing, government, and tourism.

Cruise Itinerary

Aboard Viking Sea

Launch Year: 2016 Length: 227 Width: 29 Currency: EUR Capacity: 930 Crew Count: 465 Deck Count: 9 Cabin Count: 455

Expand your horizons on this comfortable, award-winning ship, intimate and thoughtfully created by experienced nautical architects and designers to enrich your interaction with your destination in every way.

Viking Sea Facilities

Viking Sea Includes

Cabin Details

Sleep easy in a comfortable king-size bed with fine cotton linens for the sweetest dreams. Elegant décor and calm colours create the perfect sanctuary (because lazy days are often the best days). Wake up to breakfast in bed (24-hour room service is complimentary). Tune in to the latest technology, with free Wi-Fi and TV with movies on demand. Your generous ensuite has a shower that drenches you, heated floor and fluffy towels to warm you and indulgent lotions to pamper you. Bathroom bliss.

Whichever stateroom you choose, you can look forward to a private sanctuary of understated elegance, one that features all the comforts of home and your own spacious veranda.

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