
Aboard Azura with P&O Cruises

Departure Date

2 October 2025


7 Nights

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Cruise Reference


Cruise Overview

Malta's capital, the minicity of Valletta, has ornate palaces and museums protected by massive fortifications of honey-color limestone.

Houses along the narrow streets have overhanging wooden balconies for people-watching from indoors.

Generations ago they gave housebound women a window on the world of the street.

The main entrance to town is through the City Gate (where all bus routes end), which leads onto Triq Repubblika (Republic Street), the spine of the grid-pattern city and the main shopping street.

Triq Mercante (Merchant Street) parallels Repubblika to the east and is also good for strolling.

From these two streets, cross streets descend toward the water; some are stepped.

Valletta's compactness makes it ideal to explore on foot.

City Gate and the upper part of Valletta are experiencing vast redevelopment that includes a new Parliament Building and open-air performance venue.

The complex, completed mid-2013, has numerous pedestrian detours in place along with building noise and dust.

Before setting out along Republic Street, stop at the tourist information office on Merchant Street for maps and brochures.
Italy's vibrant capital lives in the present, but no other city on earth evokes its past so powerfully.

For over 2,500 years, emperors, popes, artists, and common citizens have left their mark here.

Archaeological remains from ancient Rome, art-stuffed churches, and the treasures of Vatican City vie for your attention, but Rome is also a wonderful place to practice the Italian-perfected il dolce far niente, the sweet art of idleness.

Your most memorable experiences may include sitting at a caffè in the Campo de' Fiori or strolling in a beguiling piazza.
Livorno is a gritty city with a long and interesting history.

In the early Middle Ages it alternately belonged to Pisa and Genoa.

In 1421 Florence, seeking access to the sea, bought it.

Cosimo I (1519–74) started construction of the harbor in 1571, putting Livorno on the map.

After Ferdinando I de' Medici (1549–1609) proclaimed Livorno a free city, it became a haven for people suffering from religious persecution; Roman Catholics from England and Jews and Moors from Spain and Portugal, among others, settled here.

The Quattro Mori (Four Moors), also known as the Monument to Ferdinando I, commemorates this.

(The statue of Ferdinando I dates from 1595, the bronze Moors by Pietro Tacca from the 1620s.)In the following centuries, and particularly in the 18th, Livorno boomed as a port.

In the 19th century the town drew a host of famous Britons passing through on their grand tours.

Its prominence continued up to World War II, when it was heavily bombed.

Much of the town's architecture, therefore, postdates the war, and it's somewhat difficult to imagine what it might have looked like before.

Livorno has recovered from the war, however, as it's become a huge point of departure for container ships, as well as the only spot in Tuscany for cruise ships to dock for the day.Most of Livorno's artistic treasures date from the 17th century and aren't all that interesting unless you dote on obscure baroque artists.

Livorno's most famous native artist, Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920), was of much more recent vintage.

Sadly, there's no notable work by him in his hometown.There may not be much in the way of art, but it's still worth strolling around the city.

The Mercato Nuovo, which has been around since 1894, sells all sorts of fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, and fish.

Outdoor markets nearby are also chock-full of local color.

The presence of Camp Darby, an American military base just outside town, accounts for the availability of many American products.If you have time, Livorno is worth a stop for lunch or dinner at the very least.

Cruise Itinerary

Aboard Azura

Launch Year: 2010 Length: 290 Width: 36 Currency: GBP Capacity: 3100 Crew Count: 1250 Deck Count: 14 Cabin Count: 1557

Family friendly - Azura offers the perfect balance, bringing the opportunity to enjoy quality time together as well as time separately. From hassle-free meal times to carefree days out, we really have got it all covered.

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